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Please pray for Christian Union's ministry at Penn.
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now. Philippians 1:3-5

Dear CU Martus Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

In the past few weeks, we have heard from so many partners in the gospel here at Penn. Thank you for reaching out! It is a joy that we can pray together and proclaim the gospel, even if it is via Zoom. While we still await the days when we can meet with students at 1920 Commons or in one of the high-rise lounges, our Bible courses, Leadership Lecture Series, and discipleship meetings continue online. There are so many reasons to be thankful. CU Martus is thankful for the calling to which we’ve been called — to make disciples among the students here at Penn. Christian Union Martus is making a difference in students’ lives, and for that we are grateful.

Dear CU Martus Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

On a beautiful fall day like today, I am reminded of God’s tender mercies. They are new every morning. From a beautiful blue sky to coffee, to the blessings of my family…God shows His abundant mercy in myriad ways. Thank you for praying with and for CU Martus. The ministry faculty and leaders continue to serve, gather, and equip students. When students finally do return to campus, it will be the same…only different. A new dorm construction project is nearing completion near 40th Street, the grounds look pristine (probably due to very little traffic), and the shops along Walnut Street are getting a face-lift. While the students are not on campus, they are a mouse-click away, and I am so grateful for them and their ministry to their peers at Penn.

Dear CU Martus Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

The semester has begun at the University of Pennsylvania. There have been so many days where I’ve been encouraged through conversations with our students. I am so thankful to be able to minister here!

Dear CU Martus Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

A semester unlike any other begins in just under a week. This year we will gather on Zoom instead of on Locust Walk. Student leaders at CU Martus have been preparing and praying for a God-honoring start to the semester. Thank you for your continued prayers for us!

We would love to pray for you, as I imagine you are struggling with some of the same issues that we are struggling with here in Philadelphia: uncertainty about what the next 6 months will look like, how to parent well when our kids are getting stir-crazy, how to be a good husband when I’m getting stir crazy, etc.

Dear Prayer Partners,

Our family just moved across town. To be sure, moving is a result of the fall (Adam and Eve had to move out of the Garden), and my back attests to that spiritual reality. However, there is something good about moving to a new(ish) home. Besides being bigger and cheaper, there is the clean house, the opportunities to purge (a lot of) unneeded stuff, and the new perspective that our new lodgings affords us.

Dear Prayer Partners of CU Martus,

“Morale is low…mutiny is imminent.” Those are words that might have been penned during Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition, or by sailors circumnavigating the globe during a scurvy outbreak. Or they might be the words of families and individuals after having been quarantined for weeks during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ministry continues at Penn, and we are continually thankful for your support, encouragement, and prayers during this odd but ordained season. While there are moments of anxiety and uncertainty, there are also moments of deep joy and hope. I am so proud of how our students have responded to life in 2-D…while some digital fatigue may have arrived, they are fighting the good fight both academically and in their spiritual disciplines and fellowship. Here are just a few reasons for praise:

In the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak and the subsequent changes in our daily lives, I’ve heard a number of words to describe these uncharted waters: “Unnerving.” “Unsettling.” Our students have scattering to their homes, uncertain about what comes next. There are so many ways we need your continued prayers:

Dear Prayer Partners of CU@Penn,

The rhythm of the semester has commenced, with mid-terms, clubs, and activities now in full force. One of the challenges for our students this semester is to “seek first the kingdom,” in the sense of taking 2 set times per day of prayer, Scripture reading, and worship. We’ve noticed that students are looking for structure, not in the rote sense of going through the motions, but in developing habits. As a few of our students prepare to participate in the Broad Street Run (a 10-mile race here in Philly), they have to set aside times for training. Our running the race of faith requires time set apart for training as well. Would you pray…