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Please Pray for Christian Union's ministry at Yale.
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Greetings from the campus of Yale!

Spring Semester is beginning and although you are not on campus with us, God has you in just the right place He needs you—in prayer for the work of the Kingdom at Yale. Please join us in prayer for four major events this semester: winter retreat, Bible courses, outreach, and campus-wide prayer.

Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

We have much to thank God for since we last wrote to you. Our family has grown!

When we hear our beloved freshmen say that the “CU Lux community feels like it is a home away from home,” our hearts are warmed.

What does home at CU Lux look like?

Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Laboring hard at Yale has defined much of what has been happening since we last wrote to you.

We give thanks for our wonderful time at Pre-Retreat, which was held during the last weekend of August. From then on, our student leaders and freshmen gathering team have worked tirelessly to welcome the class of 2026!

Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. (Proverbs 3:3-4)

Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Thank you for your partnership by praying for the ministry of CU Lux throughout the summer months. The lives of our students continue to be enriched by our summer prayer meetings on Mondays and Fridays and our weekly intercampus prayer calls with students across different Ivy League universities. The student commitment to prayerful connection with God and each other is encouraging. An online prayer board was created to post prayer requests, intercede for others, and share answered prayers.

Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Successful people brag. They produce their images of success and unleash their propaganda in ads, campaigns, and Instagram posts. That’s because success stories attract influencers, mobilize resources, generate opportunities, and raise the standard of living. Successful people mostly brag about wisdom, might, and wealth.